Floating Japanese G4M1 bomber off Tulagi, Solomon Islands, 8 Aug 1942 as seen from the destroyer USS Ellet. The bomber was shot down during an aerial torpedo attack on the Allied shipping off Tulagi. Photo 1 of 2Floating Japanese G4M1 bomber off Tulagi, Solomon Islands, 8 Aug 1942 as seen from the destroyer USS Ellet. The bomber was shot down during an aerial torpedo attack on the Allied shipping off Tulagi. Photo 2 of 2Japanese G4M aircraft making a torpedo run against the American Guadalcanal-Tulagi invasion force, 8 Aug 1942Saburo Sakai being helped out of his aircraft after he made a 4+ hour flight to base with a serious injuries, Rabaul, New Britain, Solomon Islands, 8 Aug 1942
Floating Japanese G4M1 bomber off Tulagi, Solomon Islands, 8 Aug 1942 as seen from the destroyer USS Ellet. The bomber was shot down during an aerial torpedo attack on the Allied shipping off Tulagi. Photo 1 of 2Floating Japanese G4M1 bomber off Tulagi, Solomon Islands, 8 Aug 1942 as seen from the destroyer USS Ellet. The bomber was shot down during an aerial torpedo attack on the Allied shipping off Tulagi. Photo 2 of 2Japanese G4M aircraft making a torpedo run against the American Guadalcanal-Tulagi invasion force, 8 Aug 1942Saburo Sakai being helped out of his aircraft after he made a 4+ hour flight to base with a serious injuries, Rabaul, New Britain, Solomon Islands, 8 Aug 1942
US Marine Corps LVT(1) amphibian tractors moving toward Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, 7-9 Aug 1942; note USS President Hayes in backgroundUSS President Jackson (foreground) and HMAS Australia (background) maneuvering between Tulagi and Guadalcanal, 8 Aug 1942; photograph taken by personnel aboard USS Ellet
US Marine Corps LVT(1) amphibian tractors moving toward Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, 7-9 Aug 1942; note USS President Hayes in backgroundUSS President Jackson (foreground) and HMAS Australia (background) maneuvering between Tulagi and Guadalcanal, 8 Aug 1942; photograph taken by personnel aboard USS Ellet

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Citação Famosa da 2ª GM
"Among the men who fought on Iwo Jima, uncommon valor was a common virtue."

Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, 16 Mar 1945


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