World War II Vehicles


Tracked and heavily armored, they were originally designed to break the trench stalemates in WW1, but by WW2, they had turned into highly mobile weapons.

Armored Cars

Armored cars were lightly armed and wheeled, often used as command or reconnaissance vehicles, though they saw their share of combat.

Self-Propelled Guns and Artillery

Whether an anti-aircraft gun, or anti-tank gun, or rocket artillery, these self-propelled guns offered much greater flexibility than their towed predecessors.


Front lines could only advance with secure supply lines behind them. A wide array of transport vehicles was necessary to bring the needed supplies to the advancing fronts.


Vehicles of other classifications, whether tractors, motorcycles, or other types, contributed to the war as much as their higher-profile siblings.

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Citação Famosa da 2ª GM
"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

Winston Churchill, on the RAF


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