Adolf Hitler saluting a crowd, Germany, circa 1930s

Caption     Adolf Hitler saluting a crowd, Germany, circa 1930s ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
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Adolf Hitler   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 498 x 527 pixels
Photos at Same Place Germany
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  This anonymous work originating in the European Union is in the public domain. Its copyright expired 70 years after the work was made available to the public.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
8 Jul 2009 05:06:00 PM

" To be a leader means to be able to move the masses"

-Adolf Hitler
2. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
14 Jan 2010 06:29:34 PM

The Fuehrer is the Party and the Party is the
Fuehrer. Just as I feel myself only as a part
of the Party, the Party feels itself only as
a part of me.

-Adolf Hitler, 1935-
3. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
16 Oct 2010 04:13:08 PM

"The most effective way to destroy people is
to deny and obliterate their own
understanding of History".

-George Orwell-
4. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
17 Mar 2011 08:56:13 PM


The power Adolf Hitler commanded was unprecedented in scope, he made no moral or material contributions to mankind. He changed
the world as we know it today.

World War II cost between 50 to 100 million lives, led to the Cold War between the two world Superpowers the United States and the
Soviet Union for the next 46 years, the Division of Europe into East and West. Until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Any regime National Socialist, or Communist
that fails to recognize the rights and dignity of man, will fail.
5. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
18 Mar 2011 07:38:30 AM

OOPS...Sorry did I make a big Boo Boo!

Gotta check my spelling...
6. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
22 Jan 2012 03:34:41 PM



Photograph taken as the Fuhrer salutes the crowd in Adolf Hitler Platz during the Nuremberg Reich's Party Congress in 1938.

The complete photograph I have shows his Party Secretary Rudolf Hess standing to the right of the unidentified SA(Sturm Abeilung or brownshirt)not shown in ww2db file photo, other brownshirts are standing with Hitler's SS Security detail.
7. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
21 Apr 2012 02:56:13 PM


Heinrich Hoffmann was Hitler's photographer
and was also a Nazi party member.
Did you know that both Hitler and Hoffmann received royalities from all photographs, post cards, stamps and picture books.
Hoffmann was arrested by the Americans in May 1945 he was later tried and sentenced to four-years in prison for Nazi profiteering.

Over 1.736 million photographs were taken of Hitler during the Nazi period not counting Hitler in film, and must have been the most photographed in History.
Many of these photographs were seized by the US, and are held today in the US National Archives, Washington DC
8. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
25 Apr 2012 07:35:06 PM


Hugo Boss was a fashion designer he joined the Nazi Party in 1931, and later received contracts to supply the Wehrmact with its new uniforms.
Boss also designed the all-black SS uniform, black leather coats, Hitler Youth and the SA uniforms. Boss said the color black for the SS commanded fear.

Boss survived WWII and in 1946 he was part of the nation-wide denazification program and was a member of the Nazi Party he was fined for his part in supporting the Nazi regime, and using slave labor and profiting from it.
Boss died in 1948 every German paid a price, German industry was at the mercy of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich...Did you no the company bearing his name is still in business
Boss AG, GmbH, Germany...
9. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
27 Apr 2012 07:46:58 PM

Oops...misspelled the word know, starting with did you know.


The Black SS uniform made its appearence in 1932, its SS runes, death head skull and cross bones, Nazi Party Armband, became the most recognized uniform of the 20th Century.

It became a symbol of fear and terror, the Black SS uniform was worn up to the start of WWII, SS troops later used standard field gray Wehrmacht uniforms. Ranks remained the same throughout WWII.

Did you know some unknown clerk, who's job was to shorten letter heads created the name
Gestapo from Geheime Staatspolizei (Secret State Police)
The Waffen-SS became the Military arm of the Nazi Party.
10. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
27 Jun 2015 01:00:46 PM



Code word for the murder of the mentally ill, the handicapped, sick, crippled, people with physical disabilities, incurable mental health problems, adults, babies and children with birth defects. Imagine being part of such mass murder did you
know most of those in the SS were university educated or in professional vocations, all of them were just criminals. At wars end how many really escaped justice...


The WWII German company doing business as
Deutsche Geseuschaft fur Schadlingsbekampfung
manufactured the gas ZYKLON B this gas was used to murder Jews and others in the gas chambers.
Today its doing business as Delta Degesch GmbH
in Germany. After WWII several employees of the company that supplied ZYKON B were arrested and tried in criminal court. Bruno Tesch owner of Tesch & Stabenow were tried before British court in 1946 these men were found guilty and condemned to death in May 1946.


Thousands of German companies supplied the Third Reich with whatever it needed. People knew what was going on you can't keep whole sale murder a secret. Did you know this gas was named CYANOL in West Germany and CYANOSIL in East Germany it is used as an insecticide.

Did you know the phrase "ARBEIT MACHT FRIE"
Work Will Set You Free wasn't invented by the Nazis, its an old German present saying that was placed above the gates of Auschwitz in reality people were worked to death and murdered.


Did you know Jews named Sonderkommando buried the dead in the death camps. They also burned the bodies in the ovens, because the Nazis didn't want to do it themselves.
These people were later murdered themselves as the Nazis didn't want any witnesses, However about twenty survived out of thousands used to do such dirty work.
Did you know that thirty two countries offered to transport the Jews out of Europe. To read the facts about what really happened, are shocking!


Holo = Whole and Kaustos = Burn


Schindler's List - DVD
Holocaust - DVD
The Plot to Kill Hitler - DVD
Operation Valkyrie - DVD
Conspiracy - DVD
Hitler The Rise Of Evil - DVD
The Scarlet and the Black - DVD
The Monuments Men - DVD

I thank the editor/ww2db for his continued support for allowing me to continue our study of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich.
All comments are personal opinions, experiences or based on historical fact and do not reflect the editor/ww2db in any way.
11. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
27 Jun 2015 01:22:11 PM

OOPS! made an error in my spelling the word should read as an old German Peasant Saying ARBEIT MACHT FREI "WORK SETS YOU FREE"

PEASANT: Traditional class of farmer, labor, poor or owners of small farms, low social class.
12. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
25 Apr 2016 06:03:35 PM


Who was SS-Oberfuhrer Emil Maurice what was his place in history. Maurice was Hitler's driver
and bodyguard, and a founding member of the SS, with Erich Kempka who was also one of Hitler's chauffeurs. Both men suggested a dedicated bodyguard to protect the Fuhrer, such an organization that later became the SS


Maurice kept out of the way especially Himmler's
and never moved up in party leadership. He was
lucky Himmler received reports that Maurice was
a ted Jewish However, and this got under Himmler's skin. However, For Maurice's service and loyalty the Fuhrer protected him, and remembered his old comrades.


Maurice was made an honorary Aryan, and also served as an officer in the Luftwaffe. Not a good Nazi Maurice was with Hitler during the "Night of the Long Knives" an operation carried out by the SS that murdered top SA Leadership with over a thousand arrested.


Purge of SA Leadership s the SA was seen as a threat to the SS and Hitler needed support of the Army. Among those who were murdered was Hitler's good buddy Ernst Rohm the murders were also used to settle old scores. Maurice took part in this operation.


Maurice survived WWII and was arrested by the Allies. He was sentenced in 1948 to (4) years
in a labor camp. He died on February 6, 1972 at age 75...

(SA)Sturm Abteilung

"Night of the Long Knives" phrase in German predates the killings, and comes from the old Arthurian Myth, but came synonymous with events of 1934. Phrase referred to an act of vengeance (code word was Kolibn or Hummingbird
13. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
25 Oct 2016 02:20:07 PM


The Fuhrer working the crowd at local Party rally Protecting the Fuhrer are SA Brown Shirts and the infamous SS.


The infamous black SS-uniform came into use in 1932, and its been reported to have been designed by Hugo Boss. In truth two men Walter Heck and SS-Officer Karl Diebitsch together worked on the design, both of whom didn't even work for Boss.


One of Boss's early clients was for a little known political party called the National Socialist Party, better known as the Nazi Party. Boss wasn't alone getting contracts other clothing firms within Germany were doing the same, for Boss it helped pay the bills...
Hugo Boss later was awarded contracts to manufactured them, along with other types of uniforms for the Hitler Youth, Police, Railroad, Post Office, Customs and the Wehrmacht.


The black SS-uniform projected authority, fear, respect and power. Did you know that once war started, the SS and the Gestapo started to ware field-gray uniforms. The SD and other police and intelligence organizations started to ware field-gray uniforms as well as civilian attire to help blend in
among the population within Nazi Germany, but throughout the occupied countries...Hollywood will always project the image of the infamous black SS and Gestapo uniform within any time frame during the Third Reich, along with the red swastika armbands and jackboots


Boss was a businessman and looked at it as a business venture. Boss joined the party, and made it easer to win contracts. Boss believed that Hitler could lift Germany out of its economic problems.


During WWII Boss used forced labor from POWs to Foreign Nationals working in Germany from the occupied countries.
Working conditions were poor, unhealthy with long working hours. At wars end Boss became de-Nazified was find 100,000 marks, couldn't own a business and couldn't vote, in the end he was classified as a follower, a lesser category in post-war Germany. Boss died in 1948
but his company has always
been linked with the black infamous SS-uniform...

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"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You win the war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country!"

George Patton, 31 May 1944

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