Captured Ki-45 aircraft with American markings in flight, 1945, photo 1 of 3

Caption     Captured Ki-45 aircraft with American markings in flight, 1945, photo 1 of 3 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseUnited States Army Air Forces
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Photo Size 939 x 341 pixels
Photos in Series See all 3 photos in this series
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  Public Domain. According to the United States copyright law (United States Code, Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105), in part, "[c]opyright protection under this title is not available for any work of the United States Government".

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
18 Nov 2008 09:37:48 PM

National insignia on fuselage dates this after 14-Sep-1943. The interesting part of these markings are the rudder stripes, which were eliminated 15-May-1942.
2. Commenter identity confirmed billAnonymous says:
22 Feb 2009 04:36:46 PM

Info above photo Ki-45(Nick) being test flown, by T.I.U.-S.W.P.A. The (Nick) was salvaged from other Ki-45 aircraft, that the Japanese left at Clark Field, Philippines. Photo's 1,2,and 3 show same aircraft.The Capital letters stand for Technical Intelligence Unit-South West Pacific Area
3. W.Groeneveld says:
2 Jun 2011 10:57:18 AM

Aircraft markings.Before Japan attacked U.S. markings consisted of a blue round field in which there was a white star with a red heart.
Directly afte the attack the red heart disappeared.Reminded it too strong of the Japanese red ball?
A similar observation: Heineken beer had in its advertisement a red star (very disquieting for Americans!)So that star was replaced by a red contour of a star.
It looks a bit childish,but two similar examples I find difficult to ignore
4. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
8 Nov 2016 05:47:00 PM


Kawasaki Ki-45 (Nick) s/n 3303 captured and evaluated by TAIU-SWPA at Clark Field, Philippines as S-14 later changed to FE-325 and changed again to T2-325.

Shipped to the US aircraft was later scrapped at Freeman Field, Ohio 1946.
When US forces captured Clark Field, it was a treasure trove of abandoned Japanese Army and Navy aircraft and other military equipment the US was able to test and evaluate Japanese wartime technology...
5. Dirk Broer says:
30 Oct 2017 01:35:53 PM

Kawasaki Ki-45 s/n 3303 'S14' was NOT sent to the US/ Ki-45 s/n 4268 'S22' was sent. The difference between the two aircraft is the two fixed 20 mm Ho-5 cannons in a Schräge Musik-style dorsal frontal position. S22 has that, as has FE-325 .

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