Spitfire Mk XIX fighter on display at a museum, 8 Sep 2008; note Lancaster bomber in background

Caption     Spitfire Mk XIX fighter on display at a museum, 8 Sep 2008; note Lancaster bomber in background ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseWikipedia user Stewjw
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Spitfire   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 800 x 600 pixels
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  owner released photograph into public domain

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
13 Jun 2010 04:08:32 AM

This Spitfire is in the Royal Air Force Museum.
2. Bill says:
5 Oct 2010 04:30:43 PM

The Spitfire Mk XIX was powered by a Griffon
engine with a speed of 445mph/716km/h, and a
ceiling of 42,000 feet.

It had a range of 1,400 miles. The unarmed reconnaissance variant carried two cameras. The last versions of the Spitfire remained in
service up to the early 1950's.
3. Arthur says:
11 Sep 2014 03:08:51 PM

It's a shot in the RAF's Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Hanger at RAF Coningsby.
The Lancaster is PA474, "Thumper"
4. Nickolas Reeks says:
5 Jan 2019 01:58:56 PM

This is not a museum exhibit. This is the Battle of Britain Memorial flight at their home base RAF Conningsby Lincolnshire UK
The Lancaster pictured is PA474 one of only 2 airworthy Lancasters.

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