Information About German Air Attacks

Editor's Note: The following content is a transcription of a period document or a collection of period statistics. It may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. The reader may not wish to take the content as factual.

3 Aug 1940

USSRRef. No: 3/NHF/T1630 (of 20/2/64)
Issued: 10/2/1966
Copy No: 200


No: 846

3 Aug 40

To JOHN [i].

1. On 26th July the SAUSAGE-DEALERS [KOLBASNIK] [ii] for the first time made a joint attack on shipping with torpedo boats and aircraft. At first 30 aircraft bombed the ships, coming in [to the attack] [a] one by one. Shortly after the air attack, 9 torpedo boats attacked the same ships laying a smoke screen against

     [24 groups unrecovered]

2. [B% On 28th July] Me. 109s were [b] used as dive bombers. They carry one bomb and [fly] [a] in open formation at a height of 9,000 metres.

3. On 29th July 30 Ju. 87s and 50 Messerschmitts bombed DOVER and shipping. Ju 87s in a group by 8

     [27 groups unrecovered]

The British fired at them with Bofors [c] and Lewis guns.

4. At night the SAUSAGE-DEALERS have begun the make frequent hedge-hopping flights in order to avoid the searchlights. (From Press Sources) [d].

No. 211

DICK [DIK] [iii]


[Continued overleaf]

Notes:[a] Inserted by translator.
[b] The present tense was used. The explanation may be that this was a direct quotation from a report.
[c] This was mis-spelt 'Bofort'. The same mis-spelling occurs in the original text of LONDON's No. 943 of 26th August, 1940 (3/NHF/T1468).
[d] Not clear whether this applies only to para. 4 or to the whole report.

Comments:[i] JOHN: Unidentified MOSCOW addressee.
[ii] SAUSAGE-DEALER: Code-word for a German.
[iii] DICK: Unidentified LONDON signatory.

United States National Security Agency

Added By:
C. Peter Chen

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