Hickam Field main gate, 1940s.Early model Boeing B-17 Fortress taking off from Hickam Field, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, pre-war, Aug 1941.Wreck of B-17C bomber at Hickam Field, US Territory of Hawaii, 7 Dec 1941. Photo 2 of 2.Lieutenant General Delos Emmons decorating an enlisted man for actions performed during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Hickam Field, 23 Dec 1941. Major General Clarence Tinker looking on.
Hickam Field main gate, 1940s.Early model Boeing B-17 Fortress taking off from Hickam Field, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, pre-war, Aug 1941.Wreck of B-17C bomber at Hickam Field, US Territory of Hawaii, 7 Dec 1941. Photo 2 of 2.Lieutenant General Delos Emmons decorating an enlisted man for actions performed during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Hickam Field, 23 Dec 1941. Major General Clarence Tinker looking on.
Brigadier General Clarence Tinker and Colonel Willis Hale being sworn into their new, next higher ranks by Colonel Cheney Bertholf, Adjutant General of the 7th Air Force, Hickam Field, 21 Jan 1942.Nose on view of a F-5 Lightning aircraft at Hickam Field, Oahu, US Territory of Hawaii, 1945 (photo reconnaissance variant of the P-38J Lightning).
Brigadier General Clarence Tinker and Colonel Willis Hale being sworn into their new, next higher ranks by Colonel Cheney Bertholf, Adjutant General of the 7th Air Force, Hickam Field, 21 Jan 1942.Nose on view of a F-5 Lightning aircraft at Hickam Field, Oahu, US Territory of Hawaii, 1945 (photo reconnaissance variant of the P-38J Lightning).

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Citação Famosa da 2ª GM
"I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God, our forces stand again on Philippine soil."

General Douglas MacArthur at Leyte, 17 Oct 1944


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