Searaven during trials, off Portsmouth, New Hampshire, United States, 13 May 1940, photo 1 of 3Searaven during trials, off Portsmouth, New Hampshire, United States, 13 May 1940, photo 2 of 3Searaven during trials, off Portsmouth, New Hampshire, United States, 13 May 1940, photo 3 of 3
Searaven during trials, off Portsmouth, New Hampshire, United States, 13 May 1940, photo 1 of 3Searaven during trials, off Portsmouth, New Hampshire, United States, 13 May 1940, photo 2 of 3Searaven during trials, off Portsmouth, New Hampshire, United States, 13 May 1940, photo 3 of 3

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Citação Famosa da 2ª GM
"The raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine Corps for the next 500 years."

James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy, 23 Feb 1945


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