Kagi butanol plant under attack by B-25 bombers of 3rd Bombardment Group, USAAF 5th Air Force, Kagi (now Chiayi), Taiwan, 3 Apr 1945, photo 1 of 5Kagi butanol plant under attack by B-25 bombers of 3rd Bombardment Group, USAAF 5th Air Force, Kagi (now Chiayi), Taiwan, 3 Apr 1945, photo 2 of 5Kagi butanol plant under attack by B-25 bombers of 3rd Bombardment Group, USAAF 5th Air Force, Kagi (now Chiayi), Taiwan, 3 Apr 1945, photo 3 of 5Kagi butanol plant under attack by B-25 bombers of 3rd Bombardment Group, USAAF 5th Air Force, Kagi (now Chiayi), Taiwan, 3 Apr 1945, photo 4 of 5
Kagi butanol plant under attack by B-25 bombers of 3rd Bombardment Group, USAAF 5th Air Force, Kagi (now Chiayi), Taiwan, 3 Apr 1945, photo 1 of 5Kagi butanol plant under attack by B-25 bombers of 3rd Bombardment Group, USAAF 5th Air Force, Kagi (now Chiayi), Taiwan, 3 Apr 1945, photo 2 of 5Kagi butanol plant under attack by B-25 bombers of 3rd Bombardment Group, USAAF 5th Air Force, Kagi (now Chiayi), Taiwan, 3 Apr 1945, photo 3 of 5Kagi butanol plant under attack by B-25 bombers of 3rd Bombardment Group, USAAF 5th Air Force, Kagi (now Chiayi), Taiwan, 3 Apr 1945, photo 4 of 5
Kagi butanol plant under attack by B-25 bombers of 3rd Bombardment Group, USAAF 5th Air Force, Kagi (now Chiayi), Taiwan, 3 Apr 1945, photo 5 of 5
Kagi butanol plant under attack by B-25 bombers of 3rd Bombardment Group, USAAF 5th Air Force, Kagi (now Chiayi), Taiwan, 3 Apr 1945, photo 5 of 5

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German escort ship F9, 1939

Citação Famosa da 2ª GM
"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."

Winston Churchill


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