Victims of the 13-14 Feb 1945 bombing on Dresden, Germany

Caption     Victims of the 13-14 Feb 1945 bombing on Dresden, Germany ww2dbase
Source    ww2dbaseDeutsche Fotothek
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Photo Size 783 x 800 pixels
Photos at Same Place Dresden, Sachsen, Germany
Added By C. Peter Chen

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
25 Dec 2012 05:50:00 PM

all i can say is they started bombing civilians all thru the war so they got it back in spades
2. Anonymous says:
9 Feb 2014 02:44:42 AM

To the author of the previous comment. There was no need for that. Nobody had made a comment but you just had to vent your hatred. Unless you are inherently evil, you know the bombing was wrong but you can't bring yourself to accept that you are wrong just yet. There is no argument. It was wrong. You are wrong. Woman and children and old folk did not deserve this. Two wrongs do not make a right. I hope you wake up one day.
3. Anonymous says:
1 Aug 2014 01:11:30 AM

Dresden was a legitimate military target. I don't see how the initial comment was an expression of hatred. It was a statement of reality.

How did you expect the Allies to win the war? Or did you prefer another outcome to the war? Seriously, YOU try winning a world war on two fronts against 2 really no-holds-barred enemies. If you start a world war then you better expect that your civilians will be killed along the way.

Hindsight is a mysterious thing.
4. Anonymous says:
11 Apr 2018 02:12:48 PM

One has to wonder what the thinking of the Allies was in the decision to bomb Dresden so late in the war. One would think that there was little doubt in the outcome of the war by that time.

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Modern Day Location
WW2-Era Place Name Dresden, Sachsen, Germany
Lat/Long 51.0333, 13.7333
Famous WW2 Quote
"The raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine Corps for the next 500 years."

James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy, 23 Feb 1945

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