Adolf Hitler receiving salutes from the German Reichstag upon declaring war on the United States, Kroll Opera House, Berlin, Germany, 11 Dec 1941

Caption     Adolf Hitler receiving salutes from the German Reichstag upon declaring war on the United States, Kroll Opera House, Berlin, Germany, 11 Dec 1941 ww2dbase
Source    ww2dbaseGerman Federal Archives
Identification Code   Bild 183-B06275
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Reichstag Building and Kroll Opera House   Main article  Photos  
Hermann Göring   Main article  Photos  
Adolf Hitler   Main article  Photos  
Joachim von Ribbentrop   Main article  Photos  
Hans Lammers   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 586 x 800 pixels
Photos on Same Day 11 Dec 1941
Photos at Same Place Berlin, Germany
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany License (CC BY-SA 3.0 DE).

See Bild 183-B06275 on Wikimedia Commons

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
30 Apr 2010 08:42:33 PM

Adolf Hitler,Fuhrer of Nazi Germany with his declaration of war against the United States
on December 11, 1941, sealed the fate of the Reich.
This action was in accordance with the terms
of the Tripartite Treaty signed by Germany,
Italy and Japan.
2. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
12 Dec 2010 07:21:54 PM

You can almost hear the crowd yell Sieg Heil,
Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil...

Lesson from History:

"One man with that much power is dangerous"

Not since the Roman Emperors, has one man
held such power of life and death over millions.

Adolf Hitler had absolute authority over the German Reich. His Empire spread over Europe to Russia and from Finland to Italy and into Africa.
He was both designer and arbitrator of all changes and plans. The one-and-only decision maker ruled as both Fuhrer and Chancellor of the Third Reich, Supreme Commander of the

Winston Churchill once said.

"If Hitler invaded Hell,I would make at least
a favorable reference to the Devil."

Delivered before the House of Commons.
3. Brian says:
26 Jul 2012 07:27:51 AM

Sorry, but the declaration of war by Hitler against the US was NOT in accordance with the Tripartite Pact which stated Italy, Japan and Germany would come to the aid of each other in the event of an aggressive attack. This was clearly not the case after Pearl Harbor. In fact, the US was the only nation which Nazi Germany actually declared war on. The rest were just invaded.
4. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
19 Apr 2013 06:59:15 PM

Hello Brian:

Thanks for your feedback, glad to read any of the comments left here at ww2db. Your right about the details of the Tripartite Pact but, in trying to understanding a dictator like Hitler, we'll never know what was going through that twisted mind of his.


Besides Germany,Italy and Japan there were others
who were forced under pressure to sign the pact.
Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Solvakia, Croatia and Yugoslavia this country's part in the pact, was very interesting.
Unofficial members of the pact were Thailand and Manchukuo to learn more, you'll have to study the pact in detail, its beyond the scope of this comment. Did you know at one time the USSR looked at the possibility of joining the pact, but the Germans had no intentions of allowing the USSR to join.


The Tripactite Pact was never a very effective alliance. Japan was too distant, so really why did Hitler declare war on the United States? both Germany and Italy established a New Order in Europe, Japan had its Greater East Asia sphere the
pact was aimed at the USA and was designed to have her think about any adventure siding with Britain or going against any member of the pact. However, with Japan's ambitions in the Pacific and Asia,the combination of events (Pearl Harbor) what could the Fuhrer do.


Germany and the USA were already engaged in very scary restricted hostilities in the Atlantic
with U-boats attacking convoys, on their way to Britain, who the Germans were already at war with.
US Naval ships were escorting those convoy's and attacking those U-boats and German subs had defend themselves and attack and torpedo US ship.

With Japan in the war, Hitler thought....Well why not? and sealed the fate of the Reich by declaring war on the USA, it turned out to be a big miscalculation Hitler was now facing a two-front war. The victors would be both the Soviet Union and the United States, who would later face each other over the next 45 years in the "Cold War"


March 1941 Prince Paul of Yugoslavia signed the Tripartite Pact. March 1941 the Yugoslav regime was overthrown by Military Coup d'etat and 18 year old King Peter the II seized power.
Yugoslavia for its own safety declared it would adhere to the Pact. Later the Germans invaded both Greece and Yugoslavia and the country was in no position to really fight Germany, and surrendered on April 17, 1941....

Glad to give some insight to events of WWII any comments and added information is always welcomed

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Modern Day Location
WW2-Era Place Name Berlin, Germany
Lat/Long 52.5186, 13.3683
Famous WW2 Quote
"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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