Jürgen Stroop (center) during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, on Nowolipie Street near intersection of Smocza Street, Poland, Apr-May 1943; note Karl Kaleske or Erich Steidtmann next to him, Heinrich Klaustermeyer (with MP 40), and Josef Blösche (with MP 28)

Caption     Jürgen Stroop (center) during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, on Nowolipie Street near intersection of Smocza Street, Poland, Apr-May 1943; note Karl Kaleske or Erich Steidtmann next to him, Heinrich Klaustermeyer (with MP 40), and Josef Blösche (with MP 28) ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseUnited States National Archives
More on...   
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising   Main article  Photos  
Jürgen Stroop   Main article  Photos  
Josef Blösche   Main article  Photos  
MP 40   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 1,868 x 1,289 pixels
Photos at Same Place Warsaw, Poland
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  Public Domain. According to the US National Archives, as of 21 Jul 2010:
The vast majority of the digital images in the Archival Research Catalog (ARC) are in the public domain. Therefore, no written permission is required to use them. We would appreciate your crediting the National Archives and Records Administration as the original source. For the few images that remain copyrighted, please read the instructions noted in the "Access Restrictions" field of each ARC record.... In general, all government records are in the public domain and may be freely used.... Additionally, according to the United States copyright law (United States Code, Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105), in part, "[c]opyright protection under this title is not available for any work of the United States Government".

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
3 Jan 2010 05:14:22 AM

hmmm god is trots op jou.

grtz johan
2. Anonymous says:
16 Feb 2010 08:18:38 PM

I have had a copy of this one saved for some time. I thought it was circa 1938 or so. Note the absence of the barrel support/weight on the mp40, as well as the old mp18/28, older style tunics & collars, helmets, boot spurs, and lack of blackout lights on the car to the right. Granted this is a police unit, and so they no doubt got the remains, but I always imagined this picture to be quite older.
3. Anonymous says:
18 Apr 2010 07:02:14 PM

General Stroop committed no crimes and was unjustly murdered by the nwo zionists.
4. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
19 Jun 2010 12:26:35 PM

Policeman at far right in photograph, armed
with the Bergman MP 28/ 9mm sub machine gun, the weapon could use both box and a drum
The weapon was in use by both the German police and the Army

The British made a copy of this weapon, and
called it the Lanchester SMG and was used by the Royal Navy.
5. Anonymous says:
18 Sep 2010 07:26:50 AM

3,please, go to hell

this photograph was in an album on warsaw's ghetto fighting that Stroop collected to be presented to Adolf Hitler himself. Stroop knew very well that the prisoners he took (including children, that are showed in another photographs) were to be transfered to Treblinka, a camp of instant gassing. Notwithstanding the fact that Stroop's SS and police servicemen killed many jews on the spot. If there is a clear example of WW2 war criminal, this is Jürgen Stroop.
6. pikestaff says:
16 Dec 2010 01:09:09 PM

the man next to the general is holding an MP41, note wood butt, the mp28 could only take stick mags, the mp18 took the luger drum mag.
7. Anonymous says:
24 Apr 2011 07:20:19 PM

The more I see and read of the Nazi movement and expansion I understand what a evil time it was. To steal another persons property, and life for one owns gain. What weak men were the germans.
8. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
1 Nov 2016 08:27:28 PM


Man far right is wearing the M43 steel helmet and is armed with the Bergmann MP-28, sub machine gun in 9mm. He's been issued a semi-auto pistol of German or Foreign make.
On his left sleeve is the SS-eagle and below is the diamond w/letters SD.


When WWII started both the Waffen-SS, Gestapo, Abwehr and the SD started to ware field-gray uniforms rank looks like he's a Corporal all of them have been issued Jackboots...

Man to his right is wearing a greatcoat and what looks like the older M1933 sharp-edge steel helmet, later this helmet would show up in use with the post-war East German Army (NVA) as the M-54. He's armed with the Haenel/Schmeisser MP-41 w/wooden stock, and 32 round box magazine.
The MP-41 was used by SS and SD troops about 26,700 were produced, and bought through the SS supply chain. The wooden stock, trigger unit was taken from the MP-28.

Center is SS-Brigadefuhrer Jurgen Stoop who was later executed by the Polish in 1951. Stoop by his own estimates took or killed 37,359 Jews. Officer w/field glasses behind Stoop, could be his aide. Last man in double breasted leather greatcoat is also armed with the Haenel/Schmeisser MP-41
Man in background, is armed with the Finnish Suomi M/31 sub machine gun.
Also check out the Fire Police in the background behind the Mercedes-Benz the other vehicle is equipped with radio-direction finder

I thank the editor/ww2db for his support and allowing me to share my knowledge of WWII.

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Modern Day Location
WW2-Era Place Name Warsaw, Poland
Lat/Long 52.2417, 20.9881
Famous WW2 Quote
"We no longer demand anything, we want war."

Joachim von Ribbentrop, German Foreign Minister, Aug 1939

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