Do 335 Pfeil at rest, circa 1940s

Caption     Do 335 Pfeil at rest, circa 1940s ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
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Photo Size 500 x 357 pixels
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  This anonymous work originating in the European Union is in the public domain. Its copyright expired 70 years after the work was made available to the public.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
20 Feb 2009 03:43:59 PM

Info on above photo: Do 335V-1 Code (CP+UA) flew for the first time on Oct. 26, 1943. The aircraft was flown on the power of the forward engine alone, and on the aft engine alone, and with the forward engine cut and propeller feathered a speed of 348mph was clocked in level flight.
2. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
11 Apr 2009 01:49:27 PM

The French also tested the Do 335 the aircraft were tested at Centre d'Essais en Vol Bretagny from April 1947 to December 1948.
3. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
7 Jan 2011 05:12:46 PM

Continuing from my first comment dated
20 Feb 2009

The Dornier Do335 was designed as a day/night
fighter, fighter bomber and reconnaissance
The first prototype (CP+UA) flew for the first time on October 26, 1943. By war's end 36 Do335s had been built, 10 pre-production A-0s, 11 A-1s and 2 A-12 two-seat trainers
about 80 other aircraft went uncompleted.

No Do335s ever saw combat service operational
tests and evaluation of Do335A-0s were carried out by Erpobungskommando/EKdo.335 in
Aircraft were coverted for unarmed recon,
one was coverted to side-by-side seat night- fighter,another version, was a heavy fighter armed with 20 and 30mm cannons.


Junkers Ju8-635: Long-range twin version of the Do335 fighter. Two Do335 fuselages were joined to a center wing section, like the Heinkel He111Z. This was only a paper project
and never left the drawing board.

Do 435A: The fuselage was lengthened and was a design concept for a single-seat fighter with a 360 degree bubble canopy. This was another design that never went beyond the drawing board.

4. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
7 Jan 2011 08:04:55 PM


Dornier P.256 was a paper project,turbojet night-fighter developed from the Do335.
The P.256 would have had a crew of three pilot and radar operator sat in tamdem in a long bubble canopy, like the post-war Boeing B-47 jet bomber, the navigator was stationed
in the fuselage.

Powered by two Heinkel jet engines podded under the wings, like the Me262 jet fighter
Armament 4x30mm cannons, conversion kit, for 2x30mm cannons installed as Schrage Musik (Jazz Music) this project was also cancelled and never left the drawing boards.

Dornier Do535 Another development of the
Do335. The back engine was to be removed, and
replaced with a turbojet engine. Project was cancelled and never left the drawing board.


Both the United States and the Soviet Union
continued the development of long-range jet bombers using German WWII technology many of the ideas were used from German research.

Both countries pushed for improved and faster
combat aircraft.
The Cold War, would also be a technology war
that would last over 40 years.

To learn more about the Cold War, click to events and to Germany's surrender here at ww2db.
5. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
2 Sep 2013 03:17:44 PM

Above photo shows the Do335 V-1 prototype aircraft
had large circular landing gear doors.
Production aircraft would have redesigned landing gear doors.


France received two Dornier Do335's for research
purposes after WWII. One aircraft was a single-seat fighter with its armament and one two-seat trainer/night fighter. Aircraft were tested over a four-year period with about 10-flights. Both aircraft were later abandoned at Bretagny in 1948/49.


Do 335 (RP+UQ) was the only 335 taken to France with its armament. The aircraft was armed with
2 x MK103, 30mm cannons in the wings, engine mounted 1 x 30mm cannon, and 2 x 20mm MG 151/20mm cannons mounted in the upper engine cowling.

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