Me 323 Gigant heavy transport at rest, circa 1940s; aircraft in background appeared to be He 111 medium bombers

Caption     Me 323 Gigant heavy transport at rest, circa 1940s; aircraft in background appeared to be He 111 medium bombers ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
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He 111 Doppel-Blitz   Main article  Photos  
Me 323 Gigant   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 1,000 x 618 pixels
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  This anonymous work originating in the European Union is in the public domain. Its copyright expired 70 years after the work was made available to the public.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
2 May 2009 07:05:30 PM

The first unit equipped with the Me 323 and formed during November 1942 was I./KGrzb V,that had nine aircraft, and became opernational in the Middle East, where a second unit II./KGrzb V 323 was formed in March 1943. These units operated between North Afrika and Trapani, Sicily supplying Rommel's Afrika Corps. On April 22, 1943 there was a disastruos loss when 21 Me 323's were shot down, by Allied aircraft.
2. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
6 May 2009 07:16:07 PM

The German language is made up of many compound words. Transport units that flew the Messerschmitt Me 323's were called Kampfuerbande the letters z.b. V stood for zur besonderen Verwendung, meaning for Special use.
3. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
26 Dec 2010 12:00:32 PM


The Heinkle He-111 Z(Zwilling) was designed
and built specifically to tow the Me 323
heavy troop glider.
Joining two He 111 bomber fuselages together
on a common wing, fitted with five engines
three along the center wing cord, and two
outboard on either side.

Two prototypes were built, followed by ten
production aircraft. The He-111 had a crew of
seven and was armed w/7.92mm or 13mm machine
guns plus 20mm cannons.
The He-111Z even with five engines, still needed the power of rockets carried under the wings of the Me 323 for takeoff.
Of the twelve aircraft built, only four were known to have survived, what happened to them at wars end, is a mystrey the rest were lost in combat or accidents. No He-111Z aircraft exist today.

Proposed variants:

He-111Z-2 Long-Range Bomber
He-111Z-3 Long-Range Reconnaissance aircraft
both were never built
4. Shiplover says:
4 Aug 2014 10:26:21 AM

The Me-321 was the heavy troop glider. The Me-323 was a similar aircraft, fitted with six engines.

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