Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin at the Livadia Palace near Yalta, Russia (now Ukraine), 9 Feb 1945, photo 1 of 3

Caption     Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin at the Livadia Palace near Yalta, Russia (now Ukraine), 9 Feb 1945, photo 1 of 3 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseUnited Kingdom National Archives via Wikimedia Commons
Link to Source    Link
Identification Code   INF 14/447
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Yalta Conference   Main article  Photos  
Franklin Roosevelt   Main article  Photos  
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Alan Brooke   Main article  Photos  
Joseph Stalin   Main article  Photos  
Winston Churchill   Main article  Photos  
Andrew Cunningham   Main article  Photos  
William Leahy   Main article  Photos  
Charles Portal   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 7,474 x 5,923 pixels
Photos in Series See all 3 photos in this series
Photos on Same Day 9 Feb 1945
Photos at Same Place Livadiya, Crimea, Russia
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  According to the United Kingdom National Archives, Crown copyright material that has been created prior to 1 Jun 1957 is considered to be in the public domain.

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Colorized By WW2DB     Colorized with Adobe Photoshop

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
7 Jun 2015 12:15:36 PM


Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin discuss Post-War
reorganization of Europe and the fate of Nazi Germany. What happened who won, who lost the real peace for Europe. Germany was occupied by
the US, Britain, France and the USSR, Germany was later divided into East and West.


Countries of Western Europe once again became independent again while East Germany and the rest of Eastern Europe came under Soviet occupation. Prussia was broken up to become parts of Poland and the USSR. West Germany once again became independent but still occupied by US, Britain and France.
The Berlin Blockade, Berlin Wall was built, NATO
was formed for defense of a free Western Europe later the Warsaw Pact was formed for the defense of Socialism. Both sides maintained ground and air forces, armored vehicles and nuclear weapons. The Cold War ended in 1991 with the collapse of the USSR.

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Modern Day Location
WW2-Era Place Name Livadiya, Crimea, Russia
Lat/Long 44.4677, 34.1433
Famous WW2 Quote
"I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God, our forces stand again on Philippine soil."

General Douglas MacArthur at Leyte, 17 Oct 1944

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