P-61 Black Widow aircraft used in support of Thunderstorm Project, 1947

Caption     P-61 Black Widow aircraft used in support of Thunderstorm Project, 1947 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseUnited States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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P-61 Black Widow   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 522 x 439 pixels
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  This work is believed to be in the public domain.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
13 Aug 2010 10:48:54 AM

Project Thunderstorm 1946-1949:
The projects goal was to learm more about
thunderstorms. With its radar, and flight
characteristics, the P-61 flew in the most
turbulent regions of a storm and returned
with information for detailed study.

Aircraft in background from left to right
B-26, B-17, T-6 trainers, C-54 and C-47
2. Gleva Rauch Jussila says:
31 Jan 2011 02:05:48 PM

According to family information my father was a part of an early Hurricane Project. He was not a big wig but a WWII meterologist. He got his educarion through the Army Air Corp. I have been trying to get more information about the Hurricane Project after WWII. My mother said that they lived just north of Lake Okeechobee. I was also told to me that he flew up into hurricans.

Any more information about the Thunderstorm Project just after WWII would be greatfully appreciated. again Gleva at basin@imt.com

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