USS Intrepid departing San Francisco, California, 9 Jun 1944 packed with vehicles, equipment, and aircraft including SBD Dauntless, F6F Hellcats, C-45 Expeditors, PV-1 Venturas, and P-61 Black Widows. Photo 2 of 3

Caption     USS Intrepid departing San Francisco, California, 9 Jun 1944 packed with vehicles, equipment, and aircraft including SBD Dauntless, F6F Hellcats, C-45 Expeditors, PV-1 Venturas, and P-61 Black Widows. Photo 2 of 3 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseNational Museum of Naval Aviation RL Lawson Collection
More on...   
F6F Hellcat   Main article  Photos  
SBD Dauntless   Main article  Photos  
C-45 Expeditor   Main article  Photos  
P-61 Black Widow   Main article  Photos  
Ventura   Main article  Photos  
Intrepid   Main article  Photos  Maps  
Mark 12 5-inch/38 caliber   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 1,862 x 1,474 pixels
Photos in Series See all 3 photos in this series
Photos on Same Day 9 Jun 1944
Photos at Same Place San Francisco, California, United States
Added By David Stubblebine
Licensing  This work is believed to be in the public domain.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Craig R says:
16 Oct 2021 01:38:15 PM

Note in the upper background, a tug is pushing a barge (or railroad car float) full of boxcars across the water.
2. Craig R. says:
17 Oct 2021 08:49:48 AM

Yamamoto’s fears realized…

The sheer number of things that this ONE aircraft carrier could transport from the United States to the Pacific Theater of Operations is staggering! The fact that the US Navy had SEVENTEEN of these Essex-class fleet carriers alone (not counting other earlier fleet carrier classes, smaller escort carriers and so on)… it’s little wonder that from sheer numbers alone – never mind strategy and tactics - that the United States made such a comeback from its losses during the earlier stages of the Pacific War!
3. Lee W. says:
20 Nov 2023 07:47:01 PM

Regarding the tug pushing the barge with the rail cars….Santa Fe transported rail cars from Richmond to San Francisco
4. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
21 Nov 2023 03:53:38 PM

Lee W. (above):
The Atchison, Topeka, & Santa Fe Railroad ran cross-bay railroad barges from Richmond, Tiburon, Oakland, and Alameda connecting to two slips in San Francisco. Nothing in the photo precisely determines where in the bay this photo was taken but with the carrier departing Hunter’s Point and the railroad barge on a parallel course, this strongly suggests the barge had departed San Francisco’s China Basin slip bound for either Richmond or Tiburon. In 1944, AT&SF only operated three tugs for this purpose so this tug must be either A.H. Payson, E.P. Ripley, or W.B. Storey.

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Modern Day Location
WW2-Era Place Name San Francisco, California, United States
Lat/Long 37.7430, -122.3520
Famous WW2 Quote
"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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