Lieutenant General Hitoshi Imamura, Lieutenant General Hein ter Poorten, and other officers shortly after ter Poorten surrendered to the Japanese, Kalidjati, Java, Dutch East Indies, 8 Mar 1942

Caption     Lieutenant General Hitoshi Imamura, Lieutenant General Hein ter Poorten, and other officers shortly after ter Poorten surrendered to the Japanese, Kalidjati, Java, Dutch East Indies, 8 Mar 1942 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
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Dutch East Indies Campaign, Java   Main article  Photos  Maps  
Hitoshi Imamura   Main article  Photos  
Hein ter Poorten   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 596 x 245 pixels
Photos on Same Day 8 Mar 1942
Photos at Same Place Kalidjati, Java, Dutch East Indies
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  This work originating in Japan is in the public domain. According to Article 23 of the 1899 Copyright Act of Japan and Article 2 of Supplemental Provisions of Copyright Act of 1970, a work is in the public domain if it was created or published before 1 Jan 1957.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Victor I.C. de Thouars says:
23 Mar 2013 09:03:29 AM

Dutch-Indonesian origin with a French last name.
Lived in Surabaya during the Japanes Occupation of the Dutch East Indies.
Tragicly, the memory still inbedded still leaves a large lump in my gut. Living in Surabaya during the Occupation by Japanese army is a tragedy. My father before he was caught tried to dismantle and destroy many of Royal Dutch Shell complexes. No one ever gave my father up as who done it, as what the Japanese were trying to find out, the person responsible for the oil complex destruction. My father was later caught, not knowing who he was. The japanese Interned him in Siam, now Thailand. The internment camp was Called Noh-Cah-Pathon. with the defeat of japan, my mother and her sons went to Siam to meet up wit my father. My father served as the European Camp Commander. An account is as vived and clear, as it happen yesturday. Try to keep this post as short as I can.
2. Anonymous says:
29 Nov 2024 01:35:50 PM

I am trying to research what happened to my great great grandad in WW2 and i think i just found it!
he was a prisoner of war, captured in Java on 8/3/1942
presumed dead thereafter.
He was a Gunner in the Dutch East Indies division, so am guessing he was captured when the allies surrendered. Sad

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Modern Day Location
WW2-Era Place Name Kalidjati, Java, Dutch East Indies
Lat/Long -6.5167, 107.6667
Famous WW2 Quote
"I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God, our forces stand again on Philippine soil."

General Douglas MacArthur at Leyte, 17 Oct 1944

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