Joseph Stalin adjusting the windshield wiper of a ZIS-101 vehicle, 29 Apr 1936

Caption     Joseph Stalin adjusting the windshield wiper of a ZIS-101 vehicle, 29 Apr 1936 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseWikimedia Commons
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Photo Size 3,086 x 2,777 pixels
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  This work is believed to be in the public domain.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
22 May 2015 04:04:32 PM


Story behind the story. Comrade Stalin went into
the local Moscow People's Convenience Store for five minutes! to get a few items, he already removed the parking ticket issued by the people's parking enforcement. Photograph is cleverly disguised as adjusting the windshield wiper.


Molotov! I thought I could park in the "Red Zone" Stalin said. Didn't that cop see my bumper sticker read "Vote For Good Old Uncle Joe" Molotov passed it on to Voroshilov and he passed it on to another aid, who passed it on to still another aid, who passed it on....


ZIS Model 101 cars were built for the communist big wigs, 8752 were built between 1936-1941 vehicle was powered by a straight eight-cylinder engine production rate was two cars a day.
Similar in design to the American General Motors Buick.
When Stalin died and fell into disgrace the name of the car, was changed from ZIS to ZIL.
ZIL built trucks for the military and built civilian heavy and light trucks and buses.


Where I live from time to time I see a person who drives his Russian Ural 4320 6 x 6 truck into town, and does his shopping.
Wherever he goes, people take photos and walk around that big Russian monster. Still painted in green the one time command vehicle draws a lot of attention, However I haven't seen any Russian cars yet.
His plate reads KOMRAD. Where I live a lot of people live in the mountains and surrounding area and drive off the road vehicles, for me its nothing out of the ordinary. Another person drives a GI 2 1/2 ton M-35A-1 known to GIs as the Duce and a Half. People also ride into town on horse-back some dressed as if they stepped out of the 19th Century. Only in Nevada!

I thank the editor/ww2db for allowing me to leave a little humor to the above photograph and my comments and personal experiences.

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