Soviet naval infantrymen manning a machine gun position at the edge of the Gulf of Finland near Leningrad, Russia, 10 Dec 1942

Caption     Soviet naval infantrymen manning a machine gun position at the edge of the Gulf of Finland near Leningrad, Russia, 10 Dec 1942 ww2dbase
Source    ww2dbaseRussian International News Agency
Identification Code   381
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Siege of Leningrad   Main article  Photos  
Maxim M1910   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 1,024 x 679 pixels
Photos on Same Day 10 Dec 1942
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  Creative Commons

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
1 Jul 2012 07:29:58 PM


Looks like Boris and Sergey are manning the
Maxim M1910, 7.62mm Water-Cooled Machine Gun
for winter use, the wheeled carriage is mounted on skies, and weighted in at 70lbs.
The weapon was feed system was a 250 round cloth belt. I don't see any rifles in photo
but they could also be armed with pistols, revolvers and hand grenades.


The Red Navy didn't have a special force of Marines but used (the crews of surface ships ratings) who had undergone basic infantry training.
Uniforms for naval infantry, are black greatcoats, he's been issued felt boots
Boris on the left, has been issued the M40
winter cap. Sergey manning the maxim is wearing the wool service cap issued to both Officers and NCOs insigina is a Red Star with
hammer and sickle in the center.

The Russians had a special winter glove for the trigger finger and thumb were used in operating weapons, the other three fingers were seperate in the mitt, look closer look at the photograph.

Did you know the Russians modified the Maxim
by adding a larger water filler cap, during the winter, the crew could pack snow into the water-jacket to keep the barrel cool However, I don't see this modification on this weapon.


Photograph shows weapon without its armored
shield, I don't know about this fighting position, as it looks to open, and its field of fire is limited by the snow pack behind the crew anyway that's my guess.

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