Four US B-24 Liberator aircraft of the 93rd Bomb Group, 330th Bomb Squadron in formation, Dec 1942-Jun 1943

Caption     Four US B-24 Liberator aircraft of the 93rd Bomb Group, 330th Bomb Squadron in formation, Dec 1942-Jun 1943 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseUnited States Air Force
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Photo Size 1,800 x 1,170 pixels
Added By David Stubblebine
Licensing  Public Domain. According to the United States copyright law (United States Code, Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105), in part, "[c]opyright protection under this title is not available for any work of the United States Government".

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
25 Jan 2012 06:46:07 PM

Near aircraft "Joisey Bounce" was later renamed "Utah Man" and crashed near Husum, Germany 13 Nov 1943 following a mid-air collision with another B-24. Second aircraft is "The Duchess," was lost over Germany 25 Feb 1944.
2. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
19 Apr 2015 07:24:49 PM


Tests were carried out the XB-41 was modified with
a nose mounted Bendix chin turret w/two fifty caliber machine guns the chin turret, was later found on the Boeing B-17G model, two dorsal turrets mounting twin fifty caliber guns, two waist positions mounted twin fifty caliber guns, ball turret with two fifties and tail turret with another two fifties along with 12,420 rounds of ammo.
Thirteen additional B-24s B-24s were scheduled for modification into XB-41s, but project was cancelled no XB-41s ever saw service


With the arrival of the North American P-51 Mustang, the bombers had an escort fighter that was able to escort them to and from targets in Europe and take on the Luftwaffe.
3. Commenter identity confirmed Alan Chanter says:
4 Sep 2017 09:16:31 AM

By the time that the 93rd Bomb Group mounted its final operation on 25th April 1945 the Group had completed 396, the highest total achieved in the whole of the Eighth Air Force, In over 8,000 individual sorties the group lost just 100 aircraft in action.
4. Commenter identity confirmed Alan Chanter says:
9 Sep 2017 02:36:23 AM

One of the most respected members of ‘Teds Flying Circus’ was Japanese. His name was Ben Kuroki. Born in Nebraska, raised in a farming community that respected him, Ben almost had to break into the Army, and finally wound up in the Circus, Before the Group departed for England, Ben had to plead with Colonel Timberlake to take him along. Once on England, he studied gunnery, mastered that trade, and then pestered every pilot until he finally got into Jake Epting’s B-24 “Red Ass” as the tail gunner. He finished his tour of duty as engineer and top-turret gunner over Ploesti, and, as reward, made only one request – he wanted to go on flying for another 25 missions over Germany, then another 25 if the Group moved to China to hit Japan.

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