Soviet Baltic Fleet sailors with orphan Lucy, Leningrad, Russia, May 1943

Caption     Soviet Baltic Fleet sailors with orphan Lucy, Leningrad, Russia, May 1943 ww2dbase
Source    ww2dbaseRussian International News Agency
Identification Code   393
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Photo Size 600 x 515 pixels
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  Creative Commons

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
2 Jul 2012 11:14:05 AM


Looks like little Lucy has won the hearts of Nikolai, Viktor and Stepan, the little one is dressed for a cold day.
What happend to her parents and relatives? did she survive WWII. Did these sailors also survive WWII and did they all live long peaceful lives.

Lets take a look at the uniforms and weapons these sailors of the Naval Infantry have been issued.
Service cap in cyrillic letters read Baltic Fleet, Nikolai's shoulder board also read Baltic Fleet both Nikolai and Viktor are armed w/PPD-40 Sub machine guns in 7.62mm, Stepan is armed w/PPSh-41 also in 7.62mm all weapons used the 71 round drum magazine, or the 35 round curved box magazine.

Not able to identify Stepans sleeve rating. All three ratings ware the dark blue jumper (Flanelevka) w/white and blue stripe vest with bell bottom trousers and boots.
A black & white photograph makes it difficult
to distinguish the colors blue and black, as most ratings wore dark blue flanelevka with black bell bottom trousers.

Both the PPD-40 and PPSh-41 Sub-machine guns were chambered in 7.62x25mm that used a (short) pistol cartridge.

Rifles were chambered in 7.62x54R that was a full power cartridge, that was larger.
2. Ashley says:
24 Jun 2014 09:50:17 AM

It's said her parents died during the blockade. Can't find anything on exactly who she is or whether she survived though.
3. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
9 Apr 2015 08:33:12 PM


Photograph was taken in 1943 location Kiron Bridge
Leningrad today the city is named St. Petersburg
Over 27,000,000 million Soviet Military and Civilians died in WWII or the Great Patriotic War
as it is known in Russia.
My caption was did "Little Lucy" survive the war
those that survived later died from war wounds,
injuries, sickness, disease or accidents many suffered for decades after World War II...


During my two tours in Vietnam I saw the unwanted
the abandoned, the sick, the crippled children
who survived at a Catholic Orphanage, Villages and living on the streets.
I have often wondered what became of them. Like GIs before us, in foreign lands, we would give food, candy and provide medical care. I returned home a much older 22 year old, who saw way too much and lost a years of his youth.
"In war there are no unwounded soldiers"

I thank the editor/ww2db for allowing me to leave
my comments, and for his generous support.
4. Anonymous says:
19 Jul 2016 06:20:54 AM

I believe she was blinded in one eye at 7 and die at 15. soviet soldiers are not nice to be around.

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