Abandoned A6M3 Model 32 Zero fighter (Lt. (jg) Kazuo Tsunoda), Buna, New Guinea, circa 1943; the four characters below the serial number noted Bang Uiseok, name of the Korean who funded this aircraft [Colorized by WW2DB]

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Caption     Abandoned A6M3 Model 32 Zero fighter (Lt. (jg) Kazuo Tsunoda), Buna, New Guinea, circa 1943; the four characters below the serial number noted Bang Uiseok, name of the Korean who funded this aircraft [Colorized by WW2DB] ww2dbase
Colorization Note   This photograph was originally a black and white photograph; the colorized version presented here was a derivative work by WW2DB. The colors used in this version were speculative, and could be significantly different from the real colors.

Processed using Adobe Photoshop Image Processor, with default neural filter, selecting "None" as the profile.

View the original black and white photograph at its own permanent page.
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseUnited States Navy National Museum of Naval Aviation
Identification Code   1996.488.159.030
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A6M Zero   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 1,342 x 934 pixels
Added By C. Peter Chen
Colorized Date 24 Feb 2023
Licensing  Public Domain. According to the United States copyright law (United States Code, Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105), in part, "[c]opyright protection under this title is not available for any work of the United States Government".

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
9 Oct 2011 04:34:54 PM

Mitsubishi A6M3, Model 32 s/n 3030 "Hamp" captured on December 27, 1942, HouKoku-872, 2nd Kokutai the tail numbers were red, and outlined in white, a color photo of the Zero was taken.

The base was attacked by US P-39s and B-26 bombers, Zero Q-102 took part in dogfights, returned to base damaged and later abandoned due to lack of parts, that made repairs impossible. Two Zeros were captured and later transported to Australia for technical
evaluation at Eagle farm, parts from these aircraft were used, to make one flyable zero for tests.

First photo looks like same Hamp taken from right side. Photo with comment taken from left side, showing tail number Q-102, and missing propeller and spinner.


During WWII many aircraft were fonded by the Japanese people, Individuals, Companies and Private Organizations money was collected or donated to buy military equipment even scrap drives were organized to supply needed
2. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
26 Oct 2011 03:28:47 PM

Like the USA during WWII, Japan also had its scrap drives. Groups collected money to pay for military equipment.
Aircraft were funded by patriotic groups, private individuals, both large and small business, schools and heavy industry such finance were not as common with the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force, as it was with the Imperial Japanese Naval Air Force.


When the Navy received donated aircraft, it carried a donation number and the name of the funder, on the fuselage sides the A6M3 Hamp Model 32 Q-103, in above photograph was donated by a Korean funder, along with the
Houkoku number 872.


Companies as All-South-Sea-Moss & Sea-weed Processing Co., Aoshima Fine Thread Cloth
Co., and from the workers of Showa Heavy Industry and the Mom and Pop shops, to name a few. Say people, I'm not making this up.
3. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
17 May 2014 11:44:20 AM


Hamp was an evolution of the A6M2, Zero Model 21
code named (Zeke) by the allies, it was powered
by the improved Sakae 21 air-cooled radial engine of 1,021hp folding wing tips were removed giving a squared off look this modification helped with roll and diving speed, but at a cost of greater fuel consumption, from the Sakae 21 engine.


The Model 32's first flight was in July 1941 only 343 were produced by Mitsubishi in part by its limited range. Production of A6M3 Model 32 and 22 started in June 1942. Armament was 2 x 7.7mm machine guns and 2 x 20mm cannons, a center-line drop tank or 264lbs. of bombs plus 2 x 60kg bombs under the wings.


Like the A6M2 Model 21 the Model 32 didn't have
armor protection for the pilot, no bullet proof glass or self sealing fuel tanks. The zeros light weight airframe and skin, was made from high-tech duralumin, magnesium, copper and manganese when hit against the US .50 caliber round, many zeros broke up, exploded or burned due to its light weight construction and no armor protection.
The zero was produced with a flotation bag in the fuselage behind the pilot in case of emergency water landing.


The zero pilot had about 76 flight instruments controls and switches, flight controls were fabric covered and used a system of cables and pulleys, along with hydraulic and electrical systems. In the hands of a veteran combat pilot, the zero was still a deadly combat aircraft
4. Ron says:
3 Jul 2014 04:25:36 PM

It's a pity the pilots of the Model 32 so often exceeded its range limits like they were too overconfident or something. Surely they couldn't be ignorant of the reduced fuel load and thirstier engine.

Anyway, they quickly altered this in the Model 22 which was more produced than the Hamp. The former range was restored andthen some. Likewise to some degree the wing-loading too.

Dive limit for the A6M3 was improved from 410 mph to the 416 to 420 mph class. The faster number is perhaps the clipped-wing Hamp but it's unspecified. 420 might be a rounding-up of 416. In any case, the 372 mph Oscar is not in the same class to put it in perspective.
Another positive for the Model 32 was that the heavy aileron controls came at a higher speed than full span Models.
A plus for the Model 22 was that the new high velocity 20mm cannon was installed on some. So it
gained better ballistics if it cost a little added weight (the Hamp on the other hand had the best power-loading of all Zeros).

The A6M3 was still at the height of the Zero's glory but the mystique was now gone. Nobody was playing its game now if they wanted to win.

It still held its own if it had good pilots. That was the key. Soon it would face newer Allied fighters and the design team planned an engine upgrade for the A6M5. Since it was not approved, the Zero fighter became obsolete after the A6M3!

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