British Attitude To Baltic States; German Bombing; Businessman; Poultry-Dealer

Editor's Note: The following content is a transcription of a period document or a collection of period statistics. It may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. The reader may not wish to take the content as factual.

14 Aug 1940

USSRReference: 3/PPDT/T36


No: 88214 Aug. 40


1. According to information from the METRO [i] the Foreign Office has decided not to rush with the question of the Baltic States since in their opinion a similar situation is coming to a head in Finland. They think that if the latter does occur it will cause great displeasure in SAShA [ii] whose line in this question the British intend to watch.

2. The fact taht the SAUSAGE-DEALER [KOLBASNIKY] [iii] are using large groups of aircraft 400-450 strong by day and that they are mainly bombing ports, i.e. the THAMES Estuary, PORTSMOUTH, SOUTHAMPTON, PORTLAND, CARDIFF and SWANSEA, indicates that the SAUSAGE-DEALERS are endeavouring to paralyse the activity of England's main shipping centres [MORSKIE BAZY]. The authorities do not reveal the results of air-raids but the FRIENDS [DRUZ'Ya] [iv] report that the damage in increasing and people are fleeing from the coastal areas.

3. THERAPEUTIST [TERAPEVT] [v] reports that this week the SAUSAGE-DEALERS smashed two hangars and destroyed eight aircraft. The aerodrome was back in working order three hours after the raid. There are altogether 150 aircraft on the aerodrome which is guarded by Dutch soldiers. Allegedly five Frenchmen (two officers and three soldiers) have been shot for espionage on his aerodrome.

4. The Captains of the Estonian steamships bombed by the SAUSAGE-DEALERS speak poorly of its [a] quality. Out of 40 bombs not a single one hit. Two 250-kg bombs went through the deck of the S.S. KATVALDIS without exploding. They say that the SAUSAGE-DEALERS used to be better at bombing.

5. BUSINESSMAN [KOMMERSANT] [vi] has reported that last week the SAUSAGE-DEALERS dropped five parachutists in the NEWBURY area. Only two have been captured. The SAUSAGE-DEALER guns located in the BOULOGNE area have started to shell the south-east coast of ENgland. To date the damage is said to be slight. A SAUSAGE-DEALER aircraft flew over the area during the shelling.

6. POULTRY-DEALER [KURNIK] [vii] has a report that has proposed to TOM WINTRINGHAM [viii], a former battalion commander in the International Brigade, that he should help them to organize a Republican group with a view to rising against FRANCO. TOM was expelled from the CORPORATION [KORPORATsIYa] [ix] after his arrival from the south. He is now working in a special school on introducing Spanish methods of anti-tank warfare into the Home Guard [VEUTREONYaYa OKhRANA].

No. 225BARCh [x]

Notes: [a] The originator clearly thought that "bombing" was the antecedent.
Comments: [i] METRO: the Soviet Embassy
 [ii] SAShA: the Unietd States. For an explanation of this covername see LONDON's No. 998 of 11th September 1940 (3/PPDT/T12).
 [iii] SAUSAGE-DEALERS: the Germans.
 [iv] FRIENDS: members of the Communist Party.
 [v] THERAPEUTIST: Unidentified covername. See also MOSCOW's No. 450 of 7th September 1940, and LONDON's Nos. 903 of 17th August 1940, 990 of 7th September 1940 and 1107 of 3rd October 1940.
 [vi] BUSINESSMAN: Unidentified, probably a covername; first occurrence.
 [vii] POULTRY-DEALER: Unidentified covername. See also LONDON's Nos. 876 of 13th August 1940, 1112 of 4th October 1940 and 1141 of 9th October 1940.
 [viii] WINTRINGHAM: Thomas Henry WINTRINGHAM; commanded British Battalion of the International Brigade in February 1937 and helped to found OSTERLEY PARK Training School for the Home Guard in 1940.
 [ix] CORPORATION: the Communist Party.
 [x] BARCh: Possibly Simon Davidovich KREMER, whose official post was Secretary to the Soviet Military Attaché in LONDON. He was appointed in 1937 and is thought to have left sometime in 1946. The covername BARCh occurs as a LONDON signatory and addressee between 3rd March 1940 and 10th October 1940, after which it is superseded by the covername BRION.

United States National Security Agency

Added By:
C. Peter Chen

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More on British Attitude To Baltic States; German Bombing; Businessman; Poultry-Dealer
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» Annexation of the Baltic States
» Battle of Britain

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