British, Russian, and German Interests in the Balkans and the Mediterranean

Editor's Note: The following content is a transcription of a period document or a collection of period statistics. It may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. The reader may not wish to take the content as factual.

11 Jul 1940


Ref. No: 3/NBF/T1456 (of 27/6/1962)
Issued: 2/8/1966
Copy No: 201


No: 756 

11 Jul 40


1. The opinion is being spread by the press and official circles that in the near future a great event may be expected in the Mediterranean area and in the BALKANS. It is emphasized that the expected event is connected with the conflict of interests between the USSR and GERMANY on the DANUBE and in the MEDITERRANEAN. The Soviet Ambassador [i] is apparently leaving TURKEY, [8 groups unrecovered] to [a] MOSCOW.

[9 groups unrecovered]

Influential Englishmen have already declared to the MASTER [KhOZYaIN] of the METRO [ii] that they are not against the Straits being held by the USSR. The most malicious commentary on the possibility of [Of a Soviet proposal] on the Straits is made by the Labour Daily Herald. The others hope that the complexity of the situation in the BALKANS may give BRITAIN a breathing space.

2. ROTHSTEIN [ROTShTEJN] [iii] reported that [8 groups unrecovered] and NEWS.... that control of the Straits should not be in the hands of a single power. It is expected that CRIPPS [iv] will put the question of [1 group unrecovered] at the next meeting. As yet there is nothing about this in the press.

3. According to the METRO, the counsellor [b] of the Turkish [1 group unrecovered] here has offered to [B% collaborate] with the local War [B% Department] [VOENNYJ DEPARTMENT] [v] in exchange for information on the USSR.

No. 187BARCh [vi]

Notes: [a] or "in".
[b] or "adviser".
Comments: [i] The Soviet Ambassador to TURKEY at this time was Aleksej TERENT'EV
[ii] METRO: The Soviet Embassy. The MASTER of the METRO, therefore, was the Soviet Ambassador who at this time was Ivan MAISKY.
[iii] ROTHSTEIN: Andrew Rothstein, a British subject of Russian origin who was Tass representative in LONDON 1940-1944.
[iv] CRIPPS: Sir Stafford CRIPPS was appointed British Ambassador to MOSCOW on 28th June, 1940.
[v] Local War [B% Department]: Presumably the War Office.
[vi] BARCh: Unidentified covername. LONDON addressee and signatory 3rd March 1940 - 22nd August 1940.


United States National Security Agency

Added By:
C. Peter Chen

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