ZhEROM and MARTA; DIK Requests Repeat of Telegram

Editor's Note: The following content is a transcription of a period document or a collection of period statistics. It may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. The reader may not wish to take the content as factual.

8 Jul 1940


Ref. No.: 3/PPDT/T92 (of 23/6/1967)[i]
Issued: /18/6/1974
Copy No.: 501.



No: 741 

8th July 1940


    I have seen ZhEROM[ii] and agreed on subsequent work. He

[15 groups unrecovered]

as representative of General de GAULLE. MARTA[iii] works for him [C% as secretary]. He reported that he had been working for us in GASTRONOMICA[iv] for five years and that MARTA is a very useful person. I gave him £25 for expenses. ZhEROM reported that de GAULLE is an officer with very right-wing views.

[15 groups unrecovered]

military formations. The General already has 5,000 troops, 300 pilots, a few [C% aircraft] and all the French warships that are in British ports, including two battleships. Send instructions[ZADANIE].

No. 183


     Repeat your No. 3892[vi]. The end of the telegram is incomprehensible.


Footnotes: [i] Originally issued as 3/NBF/T1773 on 17/3/1966, reissued on 2/8/1966, issued as 3/PPDT/T92 on 23/6/1967.
     [ii] ZhEROM: i.e. "JEROME"; André Joseph Louis LABARTHE, Director-General of French Armament and Scientific Research at General de GAULLE's Headquarters till September 1940.
     [iii] MARTA: i.e. "MARTHA"; Alta Martha LECOUTRE; secretary of André LABARTHE (see Footnote [ii]).
     [v] BARCh: Probably Simon Devidovich KREMER, secretary to the Soviet Military Attaché in LONDON, 1937-1946.
     [vi] Not available.
     [vii] DIK: i.e. "DICK"; probably Major Boris Yakovlevich DIKIJ, in the United Kingdom from 18th January 1940 to 16th November 1943 as secretary to the Soviet Military and Air Attaché and/or as Assitant Air Attaché. ww2dbase

United States National Security Agency

Added By:
C. Peter Chen

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» Charles de Gaulle

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"All that silly talk about the advance of science and such leaves me cold. Give me peace and a retarded science."

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