World War II Book Reviews

European War Book Reviews

Reviews of books involving the personalities, politics, and the progression of the war in Europe.

Pacific War Book Reviews

Reviews of books about the Pacific War, covering everything from discussions of Japanese carrier doctrines to the controversy of the deployment of the atomic weapons.

The War in Asia Book Reviews

Reviews of books about the war in eastern Asia, including China, Burma, India, and the surrounding regions.

The War in Africa and Middle East Book Reviews

Reviews of books on the conflict in Libya, Egypt, the Middle East, and the surrounding regions.

The War in the Atlantic Book Reviews

Reviews of books on the German war against the Allies using warships, armed merchant cruisers, and submarines.

Home Front and Political Front Book Reviews

Review of books on civilian life, training, production, politics, and other matters that took place away from the combat areas.

Memoir and Biography Book Reviews

Review of memoirs, biographies, and autobiographies of people of all levels who had participated in WW2, whether from a submarine, a field HQ, or 10 Downing Street in London.

WW2 Historical Fiction Book Reviews

The greatest military conflict in modern history inspired some of the most entertaining historical fiction in the subsequent years.

Audio Book Reviews

Reviews of the audio book editions of books on WW2.

Book Reviews on Partner Sites

A list of WW2 book reviews found on WW2DB's partner sites.

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Citação Famosa da 2ª GM
"The raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine Corps for the next 500 years."

James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy, 23 Feb 1945


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